Demystifying Monogramming Etiquette
I remember the first monogrammed piece I ever bought; unwrapping the gorgeous sheets for my first home was such a treat. The crisp, tailored linen with personalised letters perfectly placed brought me so much joy. Many monogrammed pieces later, this same set of sheets is still on high rotation at home. I won't say how many years that's been (OK, 29!), but to me, this embodies all that is wonderful about good, customised design. They are timeless, thoughtful elements which elevate a simple home item to become heirloom-worthy.
Monogramming personal items and homewares lives on, but is no longer bound by strict etiquette. There are some lovely traditions that you can choose to embrace, but they are by no means "rules".
For example, the dining and entertaining spaces of the home were traditionally the woman's domain, and the monogramming of table linen would reflect this with her monogram. The same was true for bed linens.
Towels with monograms are a beautiful way to make the room even more special. Each towel can be monogrammed with the user's initials, and yes, there can be several designs in the one, shared bathroom. Traditionally in a guest bathroom, the lady of the house's monogram would be used.
Monogramming makes even the simplest item special. I adore personalised stationery, such as notebooks and planners. Baby gifts are another gorgeous idea and one that any parent will surely treasure. You can also monogram bathrobes, slippers, pyjamas and pretty much anything else you can think of!
Here are a few tips to help you with placement—but most importantly, the monogram should reflect your personality, so do whatever feels right!
Single-Letter Monogram

First or last initial.
Two-Letter Monogram

First initial on the left and last initial on the right.
Three-Letter Monogram

For monogram styles that have the same size lettering, the first initial is on the left, the middle initial in the centre, and the last initial is on the right.
When a monogram style has a larger hero letter in the centre, the order is: first initial on the left, the last initial in the centre and the middle initial on the right.
Single-Letter Monogram
Last initial.
Three-Letter Monogram
First initial on the left, last name initial in the centre and the other first initial on the right.
Two-Letter Monogram
Either both first or last name initials.